TikTok Video of Father Teaching His Son a Lesson About Manners Resonates With Mzansi: Good Job Da

Publish date: 2024-05-02

A TikTok video of a father teaching his son an important lesson about manners has resonated with people across Mzansi.

Dad reprimands son

The dad's calm approach in driving home the message. He said the boy should not be disrespectful when talking to his family exemplified good parenting.

The young man is seen in the short video uploaded by @doakeayr9ae standing and humbly listening. The dad said:

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"It's not fair for you to be polite to strangers, but you can't do it with your own family."

Stern talk about manners

The clip ended with the father including the boy's sister in his stern and much-needed talk.

"Just be considerate of one another, be polite to one another and be kind. I know y'all can do it because you do it with strangers."

Watch the video below:

SA people admire great father

South Africans filled the comments section with praise, saying the man is a great father for instilling good values in his kids.

Check out some comments below:

@shezcraftee posted:

"I am glad someone finally said it out loud. Good job dad."

@melaninmomroe wrote:

"Now that is a head of a household."

@SunshineManders stated:

"So well put, what a good lesson. "

@Lifewith_jackie mentioned:

"I'm going to use word for word with my tween, he’s getting carried away lately."

@calmrivers3 commented:

"If only every father gave their son this talk."

@lunita1234_ shared:

"I also told my son ‘Do you see how I talk to you? With politeness and respect. I model it. Please speak to me how I speak to you.’"

@gvbb.z added:

"Now that’s what you call a father."

@appleuser34679270 commented:

"That is many people's problem today. Nicer and kinder to strangers than their own family."

Video of son scolding mom for night out

In another story, Briefly News reported that a child was upset that his mother went somewhere to have fun with a friend. The kid talked with his mother just to let her know how unhappy he was.

The video of the child's anger got over 160,000 likes. There were thousands of comments from people who cracked jokes about the boy's passion.
