SARS eFiling for income tax return: how to file and submit in 2024?

Publish date: 2024-05-03

Did you know that filing tax returns signifies you are a responsible and honest citizen? Filing enables you to know if you have any tax due and the amount. The South African Revenue Service (SARS) is responsible for collecting all revenues due and ensuring optimal compliance with tax and customs legislation. Learn how to submit tax returns on eFiling now.

South African taxpayers are required to submit a tax return to SARS during the annual tax season. Learning how to submit tax returns on eFiling is crucial for tax-paying citizens and residents. When completing your return, you should have your supporting documents within reach.

How to submit tax returns on eFiling

Tax returns in South Africa are filed annually by tax-paying citizens. Failure to do this attracts penalties. Discover how to submit tax returns on eFiling today.

eFiling registration

Before you can submit tax returns on eFiling, you should complete the registration process. Registration for and the use of eFiling is free. All you need is internet access. Below are the steps you should follow to complete the process.

SARS eFiling for income tax returns

You can file your income tax returns by making use of SARS eFiling or MobiApp. Follow the steps below to complete the process.

Supporting documents needed when filing tax returns

When completing your return, you should have your supporting documents at hand. You may need to refer to some of them. However, you are not required to submit them to SARS.

eFiling services

The eFiling website offers the services listed below.

Benefits of eFiling

Below is a list of the benefits of using the eFiling website for your annual income tax returns.

How much do you have to earn to submit a tax return in South Africa?

Not all taxpayers need to submit an income tax return. You are liable to pay income tax in 2024 if you earn more than R91,250 if you are younger than 65 years. The tax threshold for people 65 years of age to below 75 years is R141,250, while that for taxpayers aged 75 years and older is R157,900.

How do you submit your tax return on eFiling in 2024?

You log into your SARS eFiling website to submit your returns. Once logged in, complete the online income tax return form and submit it.

Can you submit your IRP5 online?

Yes, you can. It is one of the services SARS offers online.

How do you claim SARS tax return on eFiling in 2024?

You can make a claim by requesting a refund by completing Part A of the REV1600 form. Next, email it to

All taxpayers are encouraged to learn how to submit tax returns on eFiling. This knowledge will help them to submit their income tax returns as required by the SARS.

DISCLAIMER: This article is not sponsored by any third party. It is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on to make decisions of any kind. Any action you take upon the information presented in this article is strictly at your own risk and responsibility!

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