British Surgeon Who Wrote His Initials on 2 of His Patients Livers Removed From Medical Register

Publish date: 2024-05-06

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An accomplished surgeon in Britain who admitted to branding two of his patients' livers with his initials has been removed from the medical register.

Bramhall accused of arrogance

57-year-old Simon Bramhall confessed to inscribing SB onto the livers of two patients during an organ transplant at Birmingham's Queen Elizabeth Hospital in 2013. According to a statement from the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service, Bramhall's act was done out of professional arrogance.

BBC reports that the body further said that his actions had undermined the public's trust in the medical profession. The tribunal admitted that while his actions did not cause lasting physical damage to either patient, one of them suffered significant emotional harm.

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An immediate suspension order was issued, and he now has 28 days to appeal the decision.

Bramhall’s initials discovered

His actions came to light when another doctor discovered the initials on the organ that he transplanted but failed about a week after the operation.

The saga forced Bramhall to resign from his job in 2014. The liver, spleen and pancreas surgeon was convicted in 2018 for two counts of assault and was fined R148 335 and 12 months of community service.

While being interrogated by police, the surgeon said he branded the organs to lighten the mood in the operation theatre.

I should have never been born - Lady with health condition sues doctor who delivered her as baby

In other health and law news, Briefly News previously reported that a young lady by the name of Evie Toombes who has spina bifida took the doctor who advised her mother to court; saying she should never have been born.

According to her, the medical doctor failed to tell her mother to use a supplement that could have warded off the condition while she was still in the womb, Daily Mail reports. Her mother, who is now 50 years old, said that when she consulted with the doctor in 2001 and talked about folic acid, she never told her its importance in the prevention of spina bifida.

The 20-year-old lady said that if Dr Mitchell had told her mom that she was at the risk of having a baby with such a condition and needed to take medicine, her mother would have not have gotten pregnant at the time she did, Hindustan Times reports.
