Where is Survivor Yvette Rodier Today?

Publish date: 2024-05-08

We are given a comprehensive understanding of the reality of grief thanks to the KSL podcast titled “The Letter,” which investigates the manner in which teenagers Zachary Snarr and Yvette Rodier were assaulted on the evening of August 28, 1996. This is the case not just due to the fact that this was an entirely unprovoked act of violence, but also due to the fact that while the former passed away as a result of his injuries, the latter miraculously lived to tell their story, and survivor’s guilt is a genuine thing. Now, if you are interested in learning more about Yvette, particularly with regard to her experiences, her challenging path to recovery, and her current situation, we have all of the relevant information that you require here for you to peruse.

Who is Yvette Rodier?

It would appear that Yvette first met Zachary (or Zach) when she was still in high school. Almost soon after that, the two of them established a banter-filled friendship that gave the impression it would endure the test of time. Therefore, it took the 18-year-old a few moments before she hopped on board when he asked her out on an official date for the first time less than two months after they graduated (in June 1996) it was because he asked her out on an official date for the first time. In point of fact, Yvette remembers having the thought “I’m going to have a kiss today. ” while they were out on their date on that fateful evening in late August. However, the night did not go as planned and Zach did not end up giving me a kiss.

It was alleged that the two individuals were preparing Zach’s equipment to snap photographs of the full moon at Little Dell Reservoir when an unknown someone abruptly approached them from behind and began firing without any apparent provocation. Yvette was shot at least four times, but her date was only shot three times at close range. She took two bullets to the torso, one to her shoulder, and one to her leg, while several more bullets grazed her skull. Her date was shot three times at close range. She pretended to be dead as soon as the man stopped pulling the trigger again, and she did not move an inch until he had left the area. She reasoned that her screams were the reason the stranger had reloaded his pistol in the first place.

In the year 2010, Yvette shared her thoughts by stating, “When he went, that’s where my and Zach’s tale really begins.” Both of them had been shot, robbed, and completely ruined, but she was aware that in order to get herself out of this mess she would have to do it on her own because her date was not responding to any of her attempts to communicate with him. As a result, she was able to crawl her way up the slope of the reservoir and onto the highway, where drivers who were passing her swiftly rendered assistance by calling the emergency services. Yvette spoke her mind openly and honestly when she said, “I just knew I wanted to get to the top…,” before adding that she knows deep down that Zach was the one who made sure she did reach to the top that night.

Where is Yvette Rodier Now?

Unfortunately, Yvette’s injuries were so serious that despite the fact that she was transported to the hospital, she suffered major nerve damage on the right side of her body, which most likely still causes her discomfort. “I’ve had five operations total,” the once trusting and bubbly teen said on CBS’s ’48 Hours.’ “It took about three years for me to officially be out of hospitals… I would much rather have a surgery every other week than have to feel the survivor’s guilt.” She even stated, “Before the shooting, I would say I was a very trusting person. Before, I was the type of person who genuinely believed that everyone else in the world was generous, kind, and giving; now, I no longer hold that belief.

“I’m still terrified around full moons,” Yvette added. “Not really terrified of the moon, but simply that something horrible could happen during a full moon,” she said. It is also very important to point out that she knows “the name of the man who shot me and who killed Zach,” but she does not mention it out loud. I will not bow to his authority or show him any respect. “And I’ve never mentioned his name out loud, and I never will.” Additionally, we should emphasize that whatever she does today, she does with the explicit aim of making Zach proud of her. She won’t deny that she still pines for him to this day.

From what we can learn, Yvette initially enrolled in college with the intention of becoming a news reporter; however, after the incident, she changed her major to general law in order to pursue a different career path. She went on to earn her law degree from the University of Utah’s S.J. Quinney College of Law in 2008, and ever since then, she has devoted her career to helping victims of various crimes. Her goal is to make the world a better place. According to the most recent accounts, the woman who survived the attack is now known by the name Yvette Rodier Whitby, she continues to call Salt Lake City, Utah, her home, and she is a proud family woman who chooses to keep her personal life out of the spotlight.
