Kerry Washington Discloses His Dad Isnt His Biological Father, Conceived by Donor

Publish date: 2024-05-08

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Hollywood actress Kerry Washington has opened up about the moment she discovered that the man who raised her was not her actual biological father.

Who is Kerry Washington's father

In an interview with Good Morning America, the Scandal actress disclosed that in 2018, while wrapping up a film shoot, she received a text from her parents asking to talk to her urgently.

"The text was, we need to talk to you. We are not a family that has serious regular talks and family meetings kind of stuff. So already my spidey sense was like, something is up. "I texted my husband and I said I need to go meet up with my parents and when I got there, my dad was sitting and my mum was smiling at me and I went and sat down with them and they told me that my dad is not my biological father. That I was born from a sp*rm donor. And I was shocked," she said.

The revelations got so many people surprised, with some commending her for being bold enough to share her personal truths.

Although GMA shared a snippet of the interview, the whole episode is expected to air on Hulu, a streaming platform.

Here's the video that was shared on TikTok:

Here are some of the comments from social media users:

@user5474949579381 said:

"That's crazy. They waited for so long to tell her."

@kamtoofyee said:

"I don't get why parents keep things like this from their kids. This is so sad."

@VFz said:

"The whole planet is traumatised."

@gregoryandtony said:

"The fact that you were loved is the key."

@Ms.Connie said:

"Family secrets, the longer they are kept, the harder they are to reveal and the harder they are to forgive and overcome."

@ShellyRN said:

"Those who say it was unnecessary for her to know, as well grow as adults, we learn who we are and we evolve spiritually. She needed to know."

@Wesley Vee said:

"Truthfully, does it matter? If he raised you, that's all that matters, the donor is irrelevant."

@Destiny said:

"My mouth literally fell open. So sorry, you looked so upset."

Man leaves adopted billionaire family

In another story reported by Briefly News, a young man abducted as a two-year-old and adopted by a billionaire family has reunited with his birth parents 25 years later.

A Chinese man named Mei Zhiqiang is being called “the abducted young master” by social media following his reunion with his birth parents.

