About Eduardo Francos Dating Life, Family, Parents, and That Long Hair

Publish date: 2024-05-09

Eduardo Franco is a man of many talents. The actor, who became a big name after his appearances as Argyle in Stranger Things, has been in the entertainment industry for a long time.

He is not just an actor, but also a musician. But the long-haired actor did not have the easiest of starts in Hollywood.

Franco had nothing but his talents and the love of his parents to push him forward, which was just what he needed to make it in the ruthless business that we call show.

Eduardo Franco’s Parents and Family

Franco is Mexican-American. Although his exact birth date is still a matter of debate and mystery, he is in his late 20s.

He was born in Yuma, Arizona, to Mexican parents. He had family members across the border and he spent most of his early childhood traveling back and forth from Mexico.

As he grew older, however, the visits became few and far between. He talked about how things changed during an interview with Remezcla in 2019.

Eduardo Franco in December 2019. (Photo: Eduardo Franco/Instagram)

"The thing is, going into Mexico is awesome. I mean, the food is fantastic and I got to hang out with my cousins. And going in is a breeze," he said. "But coming back into the US? You sometimes wait in line one or two hours." 

US customs made his life miserable while returning from across the border, and he eventually stopped going altogether. 

Franco comes from a middle-class background and his family is a big part of his life. He grew up supporting his parents financially and they, too, have always been supportive of his career choices. 

He moved to Los Angeles after spending formative years in Arizona. But his parents couldn't aid him financially. All they could give him was their ever-present emotional support, which he said made his achievements "far more rewarding."

The Story behind His Amazing Hair

Franco's luscious hair is one of, if not the most, recognizable feature. And it has its own story.

One of the relatives he used to visit during his trips to Mexico was his aunt. She ran a hair salon and used to cut his hair every time he went there.

However, as his visits became scarce, so did the haircuts. So he just stopped waiting to get cuts and let his locks grow.

From then to now, as Remezcla notes, he has only cut it once. That was at 16 when he wanted to get a job at a movie theater.

He wanted to save up for a car but just gave his savings to his parents to pay some bills instead.

Eduardo Franco Is in a Band

Aside from acting, Franco also has serious musical talents. He is in a band, Dumb B*****s With Internet, with one other person named Nixon.

They put out a three-song album called The Most Album Ever on May 13, 2022, and they filled it with expletives, to say the least.

Friends with Charlie Heaton

Note: Spoilers Ahoy!

There's a scene on Stranger Things season 4 where Franco's character, Argyle, and Charlie Heaton's character, Jonathan Byers, play golf at a vacant lot in the middle of a desert. The scene looks incredibly simple at first glance.

However, it was far from it. Neither Franco nor Heaton knew how to play golf.

So, the showmakers took both actors to a country club and had them learn golf for an entire day. The two developed a friendship during the outing and it translated to amazing on-screen chemistry.

Who Is Eduardo Franco Dating?

Nobody knows. He is yet to talk about having a girlfriend. But he might have hinted at having a boyfriend.

On June 13, 2018, Franco posted a picture with Daniel Doheny, showing a middle finger to the camera (something he apparently does a lot). "MY HOT [expletive] BOYFRIEND," he wrote in the caption.

Was he joking? Was he serious but trying to make it look not-so-serious? Your guess is as good as anyone's.
